Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Merry Christmas!

Wow, ever busy!

I cannot believe it's two days until Christmas! Aunt Elaine told me it's about time for an update so here it is hehe

Okay so, it was everyone (except mine and Kayla's) last day of work last Thursday so everyone that had no where to go on Friday spread out throughout the three daycare centres. Unfortunaly, Niiduwashauu Centre only had 6 kids, Preston only had 8 and mine, Jenna Centre, had 13, so we merged and I got to enjoy the last day of work with Kayla Rachelle and Garret. I was very sad to know that it was the last time I would be working with the kids, but I've learned so much, including how to speak Cree, and all I can do is appreciate all of it. They even got me a cake! Ever nice!

This weekend was fairly relaxing, I've been working on a very detailed Dreamcatcher that has taken me about, oh around 5 hours already. It's almost done, yay! A few of the group took to building this AWESOME snow thing around a firepit. It's this big firepit with a huge circular bench of snow around it, and around that there's this huge snow wall to protect us from the wind so we can have a couple fires before we leave.

Johnny from work told me to be aware that on new years here, everyone goes outside and fires their guns to celebrate and apparently it sounds like a warzone, I'm so excited! I hope we can get some video footage of it.

Also, RAchelle and I are house managers this week. We decided to take on the HUGE task of Christmas week, and wow, ever tiring.

We went to get the groceries yesterday and we spent about $800. We were a far way over budget, and we even forgot some things. We spent most of the past two days cleaning and cooking and baking! And then we had a bread disaster (don't ask) taht we had to take care of this morning. We got a lot done, but we are both so exhausted now, I cannot wait to sleep.

Our Christmas tree is getting fuller and fuller. Packages have arrived in the mail and we're slowly but surely finishing our secret santa gifts, although I just walked upstairs a few moments ago and found mine being constructed but I'll pretend it's a surprise.

I think thats about it for now. Tomorrow we're eating a traditional Quebec tourtiere with carrot cake for dessert, and Thursday, well it's a full on Turkey and stuffing and gravy and potatoes and veggies and I can't remember the rest with homemade ice cream and apple pie it's very exciting!

Wish everyone happy holidays and a Merry Christmas!


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